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Fiches 10-11 Anglais

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Fiches 10-11 Anglais

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Get a pdf document
Toolbars of tools in Libre-Office Writer
Icon size in Libre Office
Text and title size in Libre Office
Libre Office, change the colors of the interface
Save as

Get a pdf document

There are two possible cases :

1- You have created a document with Libre-Office Writer or Libre-Office-Calc or Libre-Office-Impress
a - Press : ALT + F to go to the file menu.
b - With Down Arrow go to : Export / Export to pdf,
c - Validate with Enter,
d - Give a name,
e - Validate with Enter.
And do not forget to choose the folder in which the document will be stored.

2- You have selected a page on the internet.

a - First switch to reading mode by doing : CTRL + ALT + R
b - Do : ALT + F to go to the file menu.
c - Use Down Arrow to go to : print.
d - Choose : print in a file.
e - Choose the name of the document and the folder where it will be stored (this part is more difficult to do with the keyboard alone).
F - Scroll down until you hear : Print.

Cutting a pdf document

Check that CAJA is displayed in list mode and that pdfsplit is installed

Launch the CAJA manager by doing : WIN + ’ (apostrophe).
Down arrow until you hear : Documents. Validate with the Enter key
Arrow Down to the pdf document you want to cut out.
Hit the Menu key on the keyboard or press SHIFT + F10.
This opens a contextual menu. You hear : window.
Go down with Down-Arrow until you hear : scripts-menu.
Right-arrow once, then Down-arrow until you hear : PDFSplit.
Validate with the Space key.

You get as many files as there were pages in the document, file001.pdf, file002.pdf, file003.pdf, etc. in the same folder as the basic document and as the beginning of its name has not changed, it is easy to find.

This only works if the PDFSplit script is placed in /usr/bin with the necessary permissions.

Compress a pdf document

First check that CAJA is displayed in list mode.

 Launch the CAJA manager by doing : WIN + ’ (apostrophe).
 Down arrow until you hear : Documents. Validate with the Enter key
 Arrow Down to the pdf document you want to compress.
 Hit the Menu key on the keyboard or SHIFT + F10.
This opens a contextual menu, you hear : window.
 Go down with Down Arrow until you hear : scripts-menu.
 Right-arrow once then Down-arrow until you hear :
 Validate with the Enter key.
 Choose the level of optimization with Space Bar and Up or Down Arrow.
 Validate with the Enter key.

You can also find free tools on the internet, for example pdfcompressor

You can modify a pdf document

Outils Inkscape

1) with the INKSCAPE software, for example :
 Open a pdf file - Validate - enlarge the image by hitting the "plus" key.
 Select a sentence (tool 13) and move this sentence (tool 1).
 Put a red star (tool 8), with a green text inside (tool 13)
 Hide a sentence (tool 5) - Rewrite over it (tool 13)
 Highlight some words (Tool 5)
 Write by hand (tool 12) - Draw freehand (tool 12)
 Draw a segment or Bézier curves (tool 11)
 Fill with a paint can (Tool 16) or with a spray can (Tool 14)
 Draw a spiral (tool 9). Modify the line using the Filters menu
(at the top of the screen)
 Draw a three-dimensional object (tool 6)
 Draw disks (tool 7)

2) Other software : Xournal, Master PDF Editor, PDFMod, Evince.
and, online, PDF Candy

Toolbars in Libre-Office Writer

You can display different toolbars in Libre-Office Writer.
Press : ALT + O to go to the menu : Tools. (or use the mouse)
Press : ALT + P to customize the toolbars, see below.
The customization window allows you to modify the menus, the keyboard shortcuts and the toolbars.

In each toolbar, you can define which icons to put or hide.
You can also move these icons to put the icons you use the most at the beginning of the bar.

When you type a text, to reach the toolbars, you use the F6 key repeatedly. The first time you press the F6 key, you reach the menu : File.
The other times we press F6 we reach the different toolbars.

We move around each toolbar with the Right-Arrow or Left-Arrow keys.

Size of menus and icons in Libre Office

1) Launch Libre Office in the usual way
2) Press ALT + O to go to the menu : Tools. You hear : Tools.
3) Down arrow until you hear : Options
4) Validate with Enter.
to the line : Libre Office
5) To open this line, do : CTRL + Right Arrow.
6) Then go down with Down Arrow until you hear : Display.
7) TABulate, we arrive at a choice of the size of the icons : automatic, small, large.


The choice is made with Arrow Down or Arrow Up.
8) Finally, Tabulate to the button : OK

Text and title size in Libre Office

1) Launch Libre Office in the usual way
2) Press ALT + O to go to the menu : Tools. You hear : Tools.
3) Down arrow until you hear : Options
4) Validate with Enter and go down to the line : Libre Office Writer.

5) To open this line do : CTRL + Right Arrow.
6) Then go down with Down Arrow until you hear : Standard fonts (Western)
7) Validate with Enter

LO-Choix des polices

8) Choose the default font : for example Carlito 10.
It will be used automatically as the body text.
9) Choose the font for the title : for example Verdana 28.
It will be used automatically for the titles and subtitles.
10) Validate by clicking on the button : OK

Libre Office, change the colors of the interface

1) Launch Libre Office in the usual way.
2) Press ALT + O to go to the menu : Tools. You hear : Tools.
3) Down arrow until you hear : Options.
4) Validate with Enter. We arrive at the line : Libre Office.
5) To open this line do :
CTRL + Right Arrow.

6) Then go down with Down Arrow
until you hear : colors of the interface.

Couleurs de l’interface

7) Choose the background color, for example : black.
8) Choose the font color, for example : white.
9) Validate with Enter.

Save as

If you have entered a text, you probably want to save it for future reference. To do this, you need to save it as, for example : save as Documents-Invoices, if the folder Invoices already exists in the folder Documents. Here is a procedure :

 Launch LibreOffice Writer
Type a part of your text, only a part.
 Press ALT + F you hear : File-Menu .
 With Down Arrow go down until you hear : Save as.
 Hit the Enter key. A window opens, you hear : Name : No Name. Enter the name you want to give to your text. Do not validate !

 Tab once, you hear : two-state button not pressed.
Then do : Space bar, you hear : pressed


 With Down Arrow you hear : save in folder.
Then go down to the desired folder
Open this folder with Enter
 Confirm with Enter - or go down to a sub-folder if you wish.

 The text you are working on is still open, you can continue typing.
While typing, often save your work by pressing CTRL + S
This operation saves the text, as you go along, where you have chosen.
Here in : Documents-Invoices. (for example).

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Article publié le : 3 décembre 2021
Article vu : 236 fois
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Faites : CTRL + Plus
Le Lecteur d'écran
Lancer ou arrêter Orca en faisant : CTRL + MAJ + O .
Ne pas faire cela à répétition.
Orca muet, tout en restant actif :
Insert + S.
Rétablir avec Insert + S .
Lecture d’un texte quand Orca est actif :
- déverrouiller le pavé numérique et frapper la touche PLUS.
- en frappant la flèche-droite on peut lire lettre à lettre.
- avec CTRL + flèche-droite on peut lire mot à mot.
- en frappant la touche CTRL,
on arrête/redémarre la lecture.
Diminuer la vitesse : CTRL + Insert + 3 du pavé numérique désactivé.
Réglage de la voix : avec Insert + Espace (et puis l’onglet : voix), on peut ainsi modifier la vitesse (débit).
Orca bloqué ? Faites : CTRL + MAJ + W .
Navigation structurée
Naviguer sur internet, quand le lecteur d’écran est lancé :
Frapper la touche H pour aller de titre en titre, (on remonte avec MAJ + H) .
ou la touche 1 du pavé principal pour les titres de niveau 1 ou la touche 2 du pavé principal pour les titres de niveau 2 . etc .
Frapper la touche K pour aller de lien en lien (on remonte avec MAJ + K),
Frapper la touche E pour trouver les zones de saisie,
pour avoir le focus faire : Insert + A .
Frapper la touche M pour aller de marque en marque (de repère),
Frapper la touche P pour aller de paragraphe en paragraphe,
Frapper la touche B pour aller de bouton en bouton.
Pour lire
Quand on a trouvé un titre intéressant, on lit ce qu’il y a en dessous en frappant la touche PLUS du pavé numérique désactivé.
Quand on a trouvé un lien intéressant, on l’ouvre avec Entrée ou quelquefois avec la touche ‘Barre oblique’ du pavé numérique désactivé.
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