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Fiches 16-17-18 - Anglais

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Fiches 16-17-18 - Anglais

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Florence virtual keyboard
Updating with Synaptic
Update with the Terminal
Grub, Clonezilla
Hidden folders and files
List obtained with the Terminal
The most classic ones


To launch Mousepad do : SHIFT + WIN + F1, type the word Mouse, validate with Enter.
To save a text written in Mousepad, do : CTRL + S.

To reread what you have written in Mousepad, go back to the beginning with : CTRL + Origin.

  • If you do nothing, ORCA rereads all the text.
  • If you do : CTRL + Right Arrow, ORCA rereads word by word.
  • If you do : Right-Arrow, ORCA rereads letter by letter.

To delete a word do : CTRL + Backspace or CTRL + Delete.

Close Mousepad with ALT + F4.

Search for a word with : CTRL + F. Search and replace a word with : CTRL + R.

To display the Menu Bar : when Mousepad is launched, press : SHIFT + F10,
then scroll down to Menu Bar and validate with Space.

To change the interface, when Mousepad is launched and the Menu Bar is displayed.
You can press : ALT + A which allows you to :

  • select the font (type and size).
  • select the color - the dark colors are Cobalt and Oblivion.
  • to check the numbering of the lines.

Florence virtual keyboard

There is a virtual keyboard ’Florence’. To activate it do :

SHIFT + WIN + F1 - You will hear : Whisker menu
Enter the word : florence or simply : flor
Validate with the Enter key of the keyboard. The virtual keyboard is launched.

Clavier Florence

Florence can be used with four different input methods.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

It is up to you to select the right method for your use.

For the user’s guide see the dedicated site :
To close Florence, press : CTRL + Minimize key.


To launch the calculator, press : SHIFT + WIN + F1 . You will hear : Whisker menu.
Type the word : calculator or simply the word : Calculate.
Validate with the Enter key, that’s it, the calculator is launched.

If the calculator is launched and if ORCA is active, you can type a number, ORCA will say all the digits.

  • for addition use the PLUS key on the numeric keypad.
  • for subtraction use the TIRET key on the numeric keypad.
  • for multiplication use the ASTERISK key on the numeric keypad.
  • for division use the OBLIQUE BAR on the numeric keypad.

To obtain the result, press the Enter key on the main keypad. ORCA reads the result.

If you need to calculate a square, use CTRL + 2.
For example : 16 CTRL+2 then Enter gives 256. You can also do : 16**2

If you need a square root, use : CTRL + R.
For example : CTRL + R 144 then Enter gives 12.

To get the number ’pi’ you have to do : CTRL + P.

When you say CTRL + 2, you have to press, simultaneously, the CTRL key and the 2
of the numeric keypad. Same thing for CTRL + R and CTRL + P.

Updating with Synaptic

The most secure update is the one that uses Synaptic.

  • Press SHIFT + WIN + F1 then enter the word : Synaptic . And validate
    You will be asked for the computer’s password.
    Write it down and validate with Enter.
  • Do : CTRL + R ,
    to update the deposits. (it is the equivalent of sudo apt update).
  • Then CTRL + G
    to select all the updates to do.
  • Then Space Bar to validate : Add to the selection.
  • Then CTRL + P
    to apply the changes, i.e. start the process.
  • and finally Spacebar to : Apply the changes.
  • Once the changes are applied, close with ALT + F4 twice.

Update with the Terminal

  • Do : WIN + T
    to launch the terminal, you hear : Terminal-framework.
  • Type : sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • Hit the ENTER key on the keyboard.
    You will be asked for the computer’s password,
    write it down and hit the ENTER key on the keyboard.
  • Leave it until the reader has finished talking.
  • At this point, close with ALT + F4.

Note : - If there are any errors, the Terminal indicates this with a sentence that begins with : E
In this case, copy the sentence and ask us a question.

Grub, boot, clonezilla

The GRUB ("GRand Unified Bootloader") is the computer’s boot program.
If you do nothing, the system will continue to run.

If you use Down-Arrow or Up-Arrow you can
can navigate through the lines and
reach the line : Clonezilla.

If we go down to the line Clonezilla, we validate with Enter.
This way we launch the software that allows us to clone the Aciah-Linux key on another key, to save the Aciah-Linux key on the hard disk, or to restore an image from its storage point.

When we launch Clonezilla, we see this :


and then this :


You have to follow all the indications

Hidden folders and files

Definition and display

Hidden items are items that are generally not visible when the user displays the contents of a folder. This possibility to hide items allows to protect files from involuntary manipulations and to lighten the display of the folders in which they are stored.

Hidden items can be recognized by the dot preceding their name.
A file named ’.test’ will therefore be recognized by the system as a hidden file whereas a file named ’test’ will not.

Show hidden files

Most of the file managers have a check box located in the ’View’ menu. This box is often named : Show hidden files.

Launch Thunar by doing : WIN + é
CTRL + H to display the hidden items.

Launch Caja by doing : WIN + apostrophe
do CTRL + H to display the hidden elements.

Hidden folders and files, list with the Terminal

Launch a terminal by doing : WIN + T
The ls command lists the unhidden items in the current folder
The command ls -a displays all the items, including hidden items. The -a stands for ’all’, which means : all
The command ls -d .* displays only the hidden files and folders.
The command ls -d .*/ shows only hidden folders.

Finding hidden folders and files
In Aciah-Linux, click on ’File system’ - and there, click on home. Then on the user name. By doing : CTRL + H you can see the hidden files corresponding to the configuration folders of each program.

For example : .mozilla , .thunderbird , .gimp etc. (well to see that there is a point)

Hidden folders and files, the most classic ones

In filesystem/home/user, you will find :
.mozilla folder
There you will find the Firefox folder, which contains the user profile,
like : 35fo45yt.default
If you change your computer, copy the file 35fo45yt.defaut
and paste it into the .mozilla folder on the other computer
This way you will get all your bookmarks back.

.thunderbird folder
In this folder you will find the user profile, such as : 1h23dg6s.default
If you change your computer, copy this file 1h23dg6s.defaut
and paste it in the .thunderbird folder of the other computer
This way you will recover all your messages, subfolders, addresses, etc.

In file system/usr/share/fonts/truetype :

This is where you have to put a new font
if you have found one to your taste.

In file system/home/user/.wine/drive_c :

Here you can find the virtual disk of the programs launched by Wine,
that is to say software specific to Windows.

In file system/home/user/.config :
You can find the configuration files of many programs.

Notes et consignes

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Attention, certains logiciels et certains raccourcis-clavier sont spécifiques : ils ne fonctionnent qu'avec Aciah-Linux. ils sont destinés à simplifier le fonctionnement global mais n'empêchent pas le fonctionnement classique.

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Article publié le : 31 octobre 2021
Article vu : 110 fois
Mieux voir
Faites : CTRL + Plus
Le Lecteur d'écran
Lancer ou arrêter Orca en faisant : CTRL + MAJ + O .
Ne pas faire cela à répétition.
Orca muet, tout en restant actif :
Insert + S.
Rétablir avec Insert + S .
Lecture d’un texte quand Orca est actif :
- déverrouiller le pavé numérique et frapper la touche PLUS.
- en frappant la flèche-droite on peut lire lettre à lettre.
- avec CTRL + flèche-droite on peut lire mot à mot.
- en frappant la touche CTRL,
on arrête/redémarre la lecture.
Diminuer la vitesse : CTRL + Insert + 3 du pavé numérique désactivé.
Réglage de la voix : avec Insert + Espace (et puis l’onglet : voix), on peut ainsi modifier la vitesse (débit).
Orca bloqué ? Faites : CTRL + MAJ + W .
Navigation structurée
Naviguer sur internet, quand le lecteur d’écran est lancé :
Frapper la touche H pour aller de titre en titre, (on remonte avec MAJ + H) .
ou la touche 1 du pavé principal pour les titres de niveau 1 ou la touche 2 du pavé principal pour les titres de niveau 2 . etc .
Frapper la touche K pour aller de lien en lien (on remonte avec MAJ + K),
Frapper la touche E pour trouver les zones de saisie,
pour avoir le focus faire : Insert + A .
Frapper la touche M pour aller de marque en marque (de repère),
Frapper la touche P pour aller de paragraphe en paragraphe,
Frapper la touche B pour aller de bouton en bouton.
Pour lire
Quand on a trouvé un titre intéressant, on lit ce qu’il y a en dessous en frappant la touche PLUS du pavé numérique désactivé.
Quand on a trouvé un lien intéressant, on l’ouvre avec Entrée ou quelquefois avec la touche ‘Barre oblique’ du pavé numérique désactivé.
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