The desktop under Aciah-Linux
The Aciah-Menu
Very first start
The Menus
Magic words
Main actions
Change the password
My computer speaks
Keys to know
Stop and restart
The panel under Aciah-Linux
The Panel, also called "taskbar" or "dashboard" is located at the top of the screen, or at the bottom, depending on your choice.
This panel or "taskbar" has icons : You can find :
- Weather, time, speaker.
- Indication of the network connection
- Icon for accessing the Whisker menu
- Internet access icon
- and others at the user’s choice and also :
- shortcuts to open windows
You can navigate from one window to another by using the mouse. Alternatively, you can hold down the ALT key and press the TAB key until you reach the desired window.
You can close all the windows at once by doing : CTRL + SHIFT + X.
- A "Logout Menu" button : here you can turn off the computer, restart it, put it in standby mode, etc.
You can reach the disconnection menu by doing : WIN + Q-
Dashboard Size :
Right-click on the dashboard, choose : Dashboard preferences
And there choose the size of a line, which conditions the size of the icons placed on this dashboard.
Minimized windows :
When you minimize a window, it is placed on the dashboard. You can move from one window to another by doing : CTRL + ALT + TAB. To restore the window, simply confirm with : Enter.
The desktop itself :
On this area, you can have Launchers, that is to say, clickable graphical Objects that generally allow you to launch an associated application. There are :
Icons if you have placed them
The wallpaper, application windows or other dialog boxes.
This desktop is voluntarily very bare because the Aciah-Menu allows you to launch basic applications, faster and more safely than by using icons. Remember, the Aciah-Menu is launched with :Alt + AltGr or WIN + M or CTRL + Alt + M.
The Aciah-Menu
You can open the Aciah-Menu by doing : ALT + AltGr
or CTRL + Alt + M .
or Win + M
You can move from one line to another by using Down-Arrow or Up-Arrow.
When you are on a line, you just have to hit the "Enter" key on the keyboard or the Space Bar and this opens the application. And this closes the Aciah-Menu.
The Aciah-Menu is customizable according to the user’s wishes. You can add or remove lines, you can enlarge the characters.
The Aciah-Menu can be restarted at any time, which allows to open several applications at the same time. A similar menu can be adapted to Windows.
Very first start
1 - Insert the bootable key, in the switched off computer.
2 - Start the computer and possibly modify the BIOS so that the computer starts on the key.
3 - Start on the key, the temporary password is : aciah
4 - Change the password.
For that, launch the Terminal by doing WIN + T then type the word : passwd -
and follow the instructions.
Do not forget to write down the password so that you can find it again.
5 - See the connection to the Internet. To do this, press CTRL + 9 on the activated numeric keypad.
With an eternet cable, no problem. For the WIFI there will be codes to enter.
6 - Read the documentation on the website or on the files.
7 - Configure the messaging system. To do this, launch Thunderbird and click on
Edit/Settings/Account Management/Create an email account
8 - Install the printer.
The menus
1 - For the whole distribution, there are two main types of menus.
– the Aciah-Menu . You can access it with : Alt + Alt Gr or WIN + M or CTRL + Alt + M.
– the Whisker menu which is accessed with : SHIFT + WIN + F1 .
2 - Specialized menus
Window menu : ALT + Space when a window is open.
Contextual menu : SHIFT + F10
Disconnection menu : WIN + Q
Network connection mode menu : CTRL + 9 of the activated numeric keypad
Magic words
Focus : it is the indication of the element on which you are.
Menu : it opens many possibilities. Then hit Right-Arrow once, then navigate in the list with Down Arrow.
Button : indicates an action to do. You can validate by using the Spacebar
or : ALT + V.
Entry zone : you arrive on a line where you can enter text.
If you hear : Focus mode, you can start writing immediately.
To get the focus you have to do sometimes : Insert + A
Link : you arrive on a line that refers to another element. Confirm with the ENTER key or : ALT + V. Sometimes you can use the space bar
or : the slash of the disabled numeric keypad.
Combined box : this is both a text box and a drop-down list.
Choose one of the elements of the box by pressing the Up or Down Arrow keys.
Validate with the space bar.
Mode : there are two ways, the focus mode which allows to write and the navigation mode.
You can switch from one to the other by doing : Insert + A
Main actions
Validate : To validate is to accept a choice. You can validate by using the ENTER key or : ALT + V.
Sometimes you can use the space bar.
Tab : Tabbing is moving the focus by using the TAB key.
When you hit the tab key, you hear : Tab.
To go back, press : SHIFT + TAB
Clicking : is selecting an item with the left mouse button.
Double-clicking is to make two very quick clicks. For people with stiff fingers, it is possible to do CLICK + ENTER.
Right-click allows you to open a contextual menu when you are on an item. But if you are blind, you can use SHIFT + F10, or use the slash or the asterisk on the disabled numeric keypad.
Check : make a choice between several possibilities. The user can check/uncheck a box by clicking on it, or with the Space key.
Exit : To exit, press : ALT + F4 (even if you have no visual difficulties) or use the procedures specific to each application.
Changing the password
The change is done using the Terminal.
1 - Open a terminal by doing : WIN + T.
2 - Enter the word : passwd .
And hit the Enter key.
3 - You are asked the : Word
UNIX password (current).
Enter the current password.
You don’t see anything : it’s normal.
And validate with the Enter key.
4 - You are asked : Enter the new UNIX password.
5 - Enter then the password that you wish and hit the Enter key.
6 - You are asked : Enter the new UNIX password again.
7 - Enter then, again, the password you wish and hit the Enter key.
8 - If all went well, the terminal indicates : passwd : the password has been updated successfully. Make a note of this password somewhere.
My computer speaks
When the eye cannot see, the voice helps.
With Aciah-Linux, the ORCA software vocalizes many operations.
You can start or stop ORCA by doing : CTRL + SHIFT + O.
But do not do it repeatedly because the system is fragile. It is better to play with the volume of the speakers if necessary.
You can activate/deactivate ORCA momentarily by doing : INSERT + S.
If you hear a long description, or if you hear two voices, press the CTRL key.
If ORCA is active :
– the keyboard keys are sounded.
We check by hitting the keys as soon as Aciah-Linux is launched
– ORCA reads sentences, words, letters, numbers and figures.
You can adjust the speed, volume and pitch of Orca’s voice. The adjustment tools are available by doing : INSERT + Space and going to the Voice tab
ORCA reads everything it sees, using other tools like Espeak and Mbrola.
Sometimes Orca is silent - You can fix it by doing : CTRL + SHIFT + W
Stop and Restart
To stop or restart, first do : WIN + Q or : CTRL + SHIFT + Delete
You arrive at the logout button
Tab twice to hear : turn off-button
Validate with Enter.
Wait for the computer to be turned off if you have USB keys to remove.
If you need to cancel, press : ALT + N

You should never, except in exceptional cases, turn off the computer by pressing the button used to start the computer.
Keys to know
Remember, it is strongly recommended to have an external keyboard. You will need the following keys :
F4 - at the top, above the main pad. When you hit it you hear : F 4.
C T R L to the left of the main keypad, the first one down.
When you hit it you hear : left control.
C T R L_D - to the right of the main keypad, the first one down.
When you hit it you hear : right control.
SHIFT - to the left of the main pad, the second from the bottom. It is also called MAJ
When you hit it you hear : left shift.
TAB - to the left of the main keypad, the fourth from the bottom.
When you hit it you hear : tab.
ALT - at the bottom of the main pad, the first one to the left of the space bar.
When you hit it, you hear : Alt left.
WIN - it’s the second key at the bottom left of the main keyboard.
When you hit it you don’t hear anything.
Enter - on the right edge of the main pad. It is the third key from the bottom right corner of the main keyboard. It is recognizable by its non-rectangular shape, because it is the only one. When you hit it you hear : Enter.
The Enter key is often used to validate, or to say : OK.
We also use a lot : the NUMBER LOCK key, the PLUS key of the numeric keypad, the Alt Gr key, the Enter key of the numeric keypad and the Space Bar key.