Start - stop AccessDV Linux
Display of files, in list
Computer search engine
Screenshot of the screen
Favorite applications
The keyboard in learning mode
Internet connection
Caja, Thunar, file managers
Launching - stopping Aciah-Linux
First of all, take a good look at your computer. When it starts, is there any indication, for example F2, F8, F12 or other, to choose the boot method ? There is often the word "boot" in this case.
If this indication is not present, you have to modify the BIOS so that the computer boots on the key. If you don’t know how to do it, ask your friends who know how to do it, or at :
1 - Your computer must be stopped.
2 - Insert the Aciah-Linux key
3 - Make sure that the computer starts on the key, it is essential.
4 - The Aciah-Linux window appears
5 - By default the identifier is Aciah
If you have another one, you must choose yours.
6 - Type the password : you can only see bullets.
7 - Validate with the key : Enter.
To close Aciah-Linux, do : WIN + Q or CTRL + SHIFT + Delete
Displaying files in a list
To make navigation easier, it is important to present your personal folder as a list. Here is how to do it :
We recommend that you adopt Caja as your file manager because it is the best vocalized.
Start Caja by doing : Win + apostrophe
Press : Alt + E to go to the Edit menu,
then press P to go to Preferences.
Confirm with ENTER.
You will find yourself in a window with 7 tabs, you are on the VIEW tab
Tab once and in the combo box choose : List view.
Close with Alt + F4
Computer search engine
1 - Launch the Whisker menu by doing : MAJ + WIN + F1. You will hear : menu-Whisker.
2 - Type the word : recherche.
3 - Validate with Enter, you arrive at the entry zone of the Cat-fish software
4 - Type the word you are looking for and do not validate.
5 - Tab twice and hit the space bar. This opens a drop-down list that allows you to choose, with Down Arrow, the folder in which you are looking. Validate.
6 - Tab again and validate. A list of answers is displayed.
7 - Navigate in the list with Arrow Down or Arrow Up.
8 - Validate with Enter when you have found what you are looking for.
Note : In the input field, you can put :
either a word : status, letter, report, etc.
or a wildcard, for example
.jpg if you are looking for all images in jpg
.png if you are looking for all the images in png
.pps if you are looking for a slideshow in pps etc.
Close with : Alt + F4
Screen capture
This is to take a picture of the computer screen.
1 - Do MAJ + WIN + F1. You hear : Menu Whisker.
2 - Write the word : capture.
3 - Validate with Alt + V.
4 - A window opens. With Up or Down Arrow, choose : all the screen,
5 - Validate with Alt + V.
6 - A window opens. With Arrow Up or Down, choose to save it.
7 - Confirm with Alt + V.
8 - You are asked to save the image on the desktop.
Don’t forget to give this image a name, for example : capture-1.png,
The indication .png is important.
7 - Validate with Enter.
Now the image is on the desktop, you can put it in another folder.
Favorite applications
It is important to set your favorite applications. You only have to do it once.
- Do : SHIFT + WIN + F1, you hear : Whisker menu
- Write the word : applications, and validate. You arrive at the default applications.
- There are two tabs : internet and utilities. You pass from one to the other with Arrow-Right or Arrow-Left.
- You arrive at the tab : internet.
For the browser, take Mozilla Firefox.
For the mail client, take Thunderbird.
- With the tab : utilities, and the TABulation key, check that you hear two things : File Manager and Terminal Emulator.
For the file manager, take CAJA file manager.
and for the terminal emulator, take Terminal Xfce.
Close everything with : ALT + F4.
The keyboard, learning mode :
To get to know the keys of the keyboard better, you can put ORCA in learning mode. To do this, first launch Orca by doing CTRL + SHIFT + O. Then do : INSERT + H . To deactivate the learning mode, press : ESCAPE .
This is particularly useful to know the functions of the disabled numeric keypad.
You can also launch the Terminal with WIN + T and type letters or words. If the screen reader is launched, all the letters and words will be heard.
Numerical keypad disabled :
With the numeric keypad disabled, you can use :
- the Plus key to read text with ORCA
- the keys 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 8 as direction keys,
- key 9 for fast up,
- key 3 for fast down,
- the slash key to simulate a left click, or to make a double click,
- the Asterisk key to simulate a right click,
Connecting to the Internet
The best way to connect to the Internet is to use the Ethernet cable : the speed is more stable. Simply plugging in the cable provides the connection.
The WIFI connection is less stable, it sometimes offers only 30% of the speed, or even less. It is only possible if your computer is equipped with a WIFI card.
- 1 - Find the name of your box, for example : Livebox 45JK7
- 2 - Copy the security key (for Orange) - or the Network Key (for Free) or follow the instructions of your access provider.
- 3 - Launch the network connection menu by doing : CTRL + 9 of the activated numeric keypad.
- 4 - With Down Arrow go down until you hear the name of your box, if at least the screen reader is active.
- 5 - Hit the Enter key on the keyboard
- 6 - You are now in an entry zone where you can copy the security key of the box or the box security key or the network key.
- 7 - Tab until you hear : connect.
- 8 - Validate with the Enter key of the keyboard.
If the WIFI connection is insufficient, you can improve it by using the PLC technique (Power Line Communication) or a Wifi repeater. Or a Wifi key compatible with Linux.